Fuzzy, Dice

Diving headfirst into research for my next video series! I suppose this has to do with RESOLUTION GOALS, because boy and/or howdy do I have plans on what I want to do in future, and also it happens that I formed those plans around the beginning of the new year? And I didn’t tell you until a third of the way through February because, it’s not like it’s explicitly a resolution thing. Maybe I’ll post some kind of, active notes thing on my research as part of my process, up, somewhere. Because I’ve got quite the bibliography I’m working from, a real crackeryjackery assortment of nonfictions.

And the subject? You would know this had you viewed my latest video* but I’m going to be talking about board/hobby gaming! Thinking of calling the series, Fuzzy Dice

oh gosh that’s awful

because ummm furrehs and uhhh game.

As you are no doubt aware because you did watch my latest video, I’m also planning on doing a series about analysis of time travel as a magic system in fiction? This topic has nothing to do with furries and I think would actually have some sort of mainstream appeal, so I’m probably just going to start a new YouTube channel for that. Call it, BTTF’sBS, after this line in, alright so embedding video is apparently a premium thing on WordPress, after this line in Avengers Endgame. And it’s great, because it’s really clever and fun to say (bee-tee-tee-effs-bee-ess!) and I looked it up and made sure it’s not already the name of anything, and it’s not yet!** Which I can’t say the same thing of for, Fuzzy Dice! If only there were a way around that!

I’m still, also, meanwhile, actively-ish doing research on the Golden Age of Piracy, for that webcomic I’m still, planning on, actively doing. You can tell from my, how much of this stuff references pirates. (People left mean reviews on the Libertalia Winds of Galecrest boardgamegeek page without having played the game, and that makes me very sad uwu.)

So there’s like, what, four things? And if I start a new series on my Prince Pretzels YouTube channel, I might as well bring Pretzels+Prints+Repeat back for a second season so that the other stuff doesn’t feel so lonely…

Ah, but you see, with this planning, I’m also already thinking of ways out of it. Obviously if I advance with even a quarter of the projects I’m planning I’m going to be even busier than I am now† and so need a contingency plan if I have a schedule issue or if things aren’t coming together like I’d hoped or planned they would. Something shorter, breezier, easier to do. Could maybe call that mini dice, or something, I don’t know. Mini dice. Like, so small. Let me tell you how small, the tiniest dice I’ve ever seen were the ones that came with Pirates of the Spanish Main, which was a game that came in trading card sleeves at the Dollar Tree, and each pack had a couple plastic cards in it that you popped out, a little assemble-able model of a pirate ship. And also the teensiest little die. Just so smol.

the smollest of dice.

It would be like that.

But anyway, with the sudden memory of Spiders of the Panic! on Main, I was thinking of all the other games that we got as kids exclusively through booster packs at the Dollar Tree and never really had the base set of. PotSM, Mighty Beanz, NakNak (although that one wasn’t exclusively exclusively through booster packs from the Dollar Tree, seeing as how I owned the NakNak wave rocker stacking platform)… and, uh, wasn’t there, wasn’t there a, I seem to remember there being a !!!

DICERS! Harry Potter themed dice with plastic figures inside of them?
more of these things!
coupla $1 single-die booster packs.

The memory of these things’ existence hit me like a truck. Or a, um, bludger, I guess. I still think about Mighty Beanz sometimes and even NakNaks on occasion, but Harry Potter Dicers, phew I musta memory-holed that one.

Calling this post fuzzy-comma-dice to represent my hazily remembering the dice from the Dollar Tree expansion pack games…

long boi naknak dice
like these?

…but actually you know what, I like that a lot better for some reason, to be the name of the series itself, as fuzzy, comma, dice.

(All images taken from boardgamegeek.com. It took me half an hour of frantic googling to remember NakNaks’ name (“balance fighting toys”? “balance clicky doods”?) but by gum it was worth it.)

*Which I doubt it, looking at the analytics it’s got one view, which lasted four seconds. What are the odds those four seconds happened to be of the part where I mention wanting to start a series about hobby gaming, I don’t know, astronomical. I don’t blame you; the longest my videos have ever gotten, outside that misguided Overwatch Loot Box one (gosh remember loot boxes?), has been a little over 19 minutes, and this one is an hour and a half long, and not my best work. I had been starting to see numbers on an earlier version of the video, but that one was even more not-my-best-work so I reedited it and uploaded a revamped version, and tbh I want to do even more editing on it but it’d be just so, so not worth it.

**The only match I can find is a tweet from the Russo brothers themselves, where they invited franchise screenwriter Bob Gale onto their, thing. Wonderful stuff all around. And so of course the top reply is an angry fan upset that the Hulk in their movie wasn’t smashy enough or whatever, or, wait looking at the tweet closer, is he saying that the Hulk not meeting his entitled fanboy fantasies is the BS, or is he saying that, the meme he shared which is that which exhibits the entitled fanboy fantasies, is, itself, the BS? It could go either way. I, uh… This is so ambiguous what are you trying to say, @mluko3?

†There’s something I’ve been telling myself recently, the only easy day was yesterday. Today is a good day, but it’s not an easy one; the only easy day, was yesterday.

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