Module 2: Project 1, Refinement 1


After the refinement of the best design, we’re supposed to show the refined design to at least five people and have them try to follow the instructions step-by-step, documenting them as they do so. I did do this documentation, with both photographs and video, and was going to post that here, but it turns out compiling video takes virtually forever, which I suppose I already knew. The video’s pretty boring, of course, but WordPress has some gallery-type features that make at least a few of the collection of photographs not uninteresting.

After having the Guinea Pigs go through the steps, we get feedback on the clarity of design, what made things confusing or clear, or what could be improved on or be made more self-explanatory, or anything. Maybe we were supposed to arrange the documentation and feedback and everything, maybe even interim steps in the image refinement process, into a module book? Actually, I think we were. Shoot. Well, maybe next week I’ll finally be on top of everything in this class; I thought I really had it this week… Guess it’s not too late to make a quick one right now…


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